Speaker Index Bob DowieWhat Manner of Person Ought We to Be? Water to Swim In There is a River The LORD Is… Ian LeitchDiscipleship Restored and Working The New Covenant – 2 Corinthians Dr. John M. MooreThe Pre-Eminence of Christ Dr. George SweetingA Faithful Ropeholder Anchors to Hold Biblical Marks of Excellence God’s Prescription for Success How to Cope with Trouble In the Book of James Moments of Catastrophe Ordinary Ability When Focused Excels The Original Church Dr. Charles U. WagnerAn Octave of Parables Elijah Elisha and The Floating Axe Head Elisha and The Invisible War Philippians The Book of Jonah The Holy Spirit The Names of God The Ten Commandments The Voice of God Versus Satan Dr. Paul BrandChanged Into His Likeness Come Ye Apart and Rest Jesus Christ – Lord of the Flesh Dr. John BlanchardGod’s Antidote to Anxiety Paul’s Magnificent Obsession Scriptural Holiness What is Your Life? Dr. Marvin Rosenthal A Thundering Prophet Israel’s Feasts and the Prophetic Word Jewish, Twice Born The Lamb that will Roar like a Lion The Names of God (series) Three Appearances of Christ Utopia at Last Dr. Earl CooperA Heart for the Harvest Isaiah 6 Jake RedekoppBe of Good Cheer From the Mire to the Choir Great Things in the Book of Jonah Scripture and Carols Program From Our Family Studying the Bible The Death of Christ and What It Accomplished The Lord is My Shepherd The Rapture of the Church Dr. Lehman StraussOur Wonderful Lord Dr. Richard StraussBelievers Beware The Aftermath of Sin Dr. Paul DixonThe Cross of Christ Dr. Earl RadmacherWomen in Ministry