While a small portion of the sermons on our website teach on the topic of Biblical prophecy, below is a list of OTHER places online where you can find some more sermons/seminars which teach on this topic too!
For those of us who believe in a “plain-common-sense” reading of the Bible, these resources are a treasured blessing, especially when living in a generation that is turning away from understanding Scripture in a straightforward approach. (This hermeneutic is also known as “literal-grammatical-historical” as opposed to “allegorical”, if you want to know the “big words” for this.)
Strange interpretations are becoming much more common, even in evangelical churches. People are being attracted to the ideas of trusting educated scholars (e.g. in books, discussions) more than the Holy Spirit to help them understand reading the Biblical text itself with “Scripture interpreting Scripture”, and/or feel that the prophetic passages in the Word of God cannot be/are not meant to be understood. Some desire to teach the “whole counsel of God” but, in concern of causing offense or disunity or due to uncertainty (e.g. lack of knowing for themselves yet), the topic of Biblical prophecy sometimes gets more ignored than it needs to be or thought of as “too difficult” to bother with, even in personal study time.
Hopefully some of the audios on our website can help those who are seeking in-depth answers for what God teaches us in the Bible about where we came from, why we’re here, where we’re going, and what God’s plan is for the future that He has revealed.
This list can grow as we find time to add resources we have appreciated over the years, but for now, here is a short list :
(The below links go outside of our website.)
John F. Walvoord – archived audios (e.g. what is heaven like, future things, rapture, etc.)
Jimmy DeYoung and Dave James (e.g. from Louisiana Baptist University, Word of Life Bible Institute) – video seminars
Theodore Epp (from Back to the Bible Broadcasting) – This We Believe (series) and other audios from this Bible teacher. (My parents loved listening to him on the radio years ago when they could and I remember sitting on my grandpa’s lap while he did. I grew up in Canada where there was not a strong signal for Christian radio but my paternal grandparents were quite close to one. Occasionally at our home we could listen to shortwave radio instead (e.g. HCJB from Quito). Some of Theodore Epp’s messages are also listed here. He also was an author of several books, including one entitled, “Present Labor and Future Rewards”.
Bob Dowie (from New Brunswick Bible Institute) – Ephesians and Hebrews are two other series of seminars/classes he taught which can be found here and here. He tended to preach with an eternal perspective in view and for the ordinary person to understand, while also teaching verse-by-verse, in-depth.
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